WordPress is already the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world, powering over 75 millions websites. However, did you know that WordPress is also the best CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool for e-commerce? Let’s discover the answer together:

Why should you use WordPress? Sticking to the nature of open-source, WordPress is a community software.

It means that when you start to use it, you also start becoming a part of the community.

This free CMS is super-easy and offers an unlimited array of tools, plugins, and themes in the premium version for every kind of site.

WordPress for E-commerce By using WordPress in your e-commerce, you’ll have a lot of plugins available for security on your website.

You can also keep your store up to date, accept multiple forms of payment, and create your own customer base.

CRM for E-commerce (Customer Relationship Management) Why is WordPress the best CRM for e-commerce?

The answers are in the possibilities to construct a relationship with your customer. From attracting the customer and completing the sale, all the way to the post-sale; you can use different plugins and themes:

Create a member area – With member area strategy, your consumer will have an area to track the progress of his or her order and track the package until its arrival at their residence. Tag different levels of users – You can qualify your leads as hot, cold, and qualified; according to the level of interaction of the lead with your e-commerce. Store a database – By storing your consumer’s information in a database, you can start to build marketing actions. For example: If your database has the birthday, e-mail, and address information; you can send your consumer an e-mail or a postcard on his or her birthday. Recovering abandoned cart – This means a product was added to the cart, the consumer filled out all of the necessary information, and left the cart before completing the checkout. With this tool you can track the consumer. After that, you can build a recovery action for this cart by contacting the consumer via email or any number of contacting tactics. Wishlist – In the case that a consumer’s desired product is out of stock, there is no need to fret. With this tool you can create what is called a “Wishlist”. Your consumer will register to receive a notification as soon as their desired product arrives. When the stock is renewed, your consumer will automatically be notified through email. In conclusion, our experience with each of our own clients tells us that WordPress Customer Relationship Management plugins are hands down the best CRM tools for any e-commerce; helping you keep track of the relationships and loyal customers that you create for your brand!

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